Jaila Jones in the Classroom

Get to Know Second Grade Teacher Jaila Jones

Although Jaila Jones had always wanted to work with children, she didn’t know where that interest would eventually take her. Initially, Jones thought about working in the field of children’s health. However, when a college roommate shared information about TeachNOLA with Jones, her interest was piqued.  TeachNOLA is a teacher preparation program that offers certification…

Chris Dufour headshot

Board Member Spotlight: Chris Dufour

Chris Dufour is a man who wears many hats. He’s the CEO of Esplanade Energy, sits on the advisory board and finance committee of AMCREF Community Capital, and has been a Crescent City Schools board member since October of 2015. “When my family moved back to New Orleans after Katrina, I really wanted to give…

Kate Mehok

Message from the CEO: Back to School

Crescent City Schools is excited to welcome students back to Harriet Tubman Charter School, Tubman Montessori, Dorothy Height Charter School, Mildred Osborne Charter School, and the Aurora Program for the 2024-2025 academic year. We begin this year excited to build on the progress our students made last year. As their 2024 LEAP scores indicate, the…

CCS Supporters Set a New Record

On May 7th,  hundreds of CCS supporters helped the network set a new record! Thanks to the generosity of 395 donors, more than $29,000 was donated to Crescent City Schools on GiveNOLA Day, a regional day of online giving organized by the Greater New Orleans Foundation. These funds donated on GiveNOLA Day go directly to…

tubman tech team posing for group photo

VILS Grant Leads Tech Team to Technology Success

Two years ago, Barbara Blackwell stepped into the position of Verizon Innovative Learning Schools (VILS) Coach at Harriet Tubman Charter School. Thanks to CCS’s participation in the VILS program, every fifth through eighth-grade student has had access to a wifi-enabled computer that they can use both in school and at home since the Fall of…